Faith is an Action Word

I believe that anything in life can be achieved with just a little bit of enthusiasm. Dedication is the start but smiling is what gets you through. Technically happiness is a state of being, but personally, I think of it as a goal. Everyday I set the goal to be happy. Some days I fail; other days I over achieve. Subsequently I start off my day the same... With a smile on my face having the faith that my day will be better than the one before.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Be The Missionary Your Mom Thinks You Are."

This past week we had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Portland temple.  A spiritual experience that I will always remember.  During the afterward devotional we had the "veterans" get up and tell us what they learned while being on a mission and how it changed them.  One particular sister stated something that made me feel empowered.  

"Be the missionary your mom thinks you are."  

I started to think of my potential.  What does my mother believe me to achieve. This made me want to do so much more.  In addition to my mother I thought of another parent.  Heavenly Father.  What does he see in me?  What does he already know I can do?  With this renewed sense of duty I wanted to change.  

A poem that Elder Jeffery R. Holland shared while he come to visit the brand new Vancouver Washington Mission is one that relates to why we need to trust in God 

Come to the edge, 
No. I'll fall 
Come to the edge, 
No. I'll fall 
Come to the edge! 
So I did
He pushed me 
 I flew

We all must jump to reach the potential our Father knows we can achieve.  

District Isolation.
(Long Beach Trio, Astoria Zone Leaders, & Seaside Sisters)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your words of wisdom. The only way that I can explain how much you have grown is that our Heavenly Father is molding you to align your will with His. Your writings exudes the Spirit of Christ and is evident that you have been taught from on high. You made the jump to go on a mission after receiving an answer that was difficult to make and have spread your wings to fly. It reminds me of the song that was sung at Grandpa Ivins funeral titled "The Wind Beneath My Wings". Below is a link to the song and has a spiritual message if you think of our Heavenly Father being that wind beneath our wings.

    President Benson said, “Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can.”
    You are learning this first hand and it is such a humbling emotion on my end that your are in His hands flying high along the Pacific Coast.

    Love you sweet pea,

