Faith is an Action Word

I believe that anything in life can be achieved with just a little bit of enthusiasm. Dedication is the start but smiling is what gets you through. Technically happiness is a state of being, but personally, I think of it as a goal. Everyday I set the goal to be happy. Some days I fail; other days I over achieve. Subsequently I start off my day the same... With a smile on my face having the faith that my day will be better than the one before.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A "Hallmark" Missionary Moment

During this Christmas season I have had many people ask me "what are you going to miss most about being away from home this month?" I surprisingly tell them "watching hallmark movies with my mom." Through the years it has become a tradition to watch Christmas movies while doing various activities.  Whether it be setting up the tree, making hot cocoa, wrapping presents or just spending the evening together.  Always talking about various topics through the never ending commercials.   This simple activity really brought my mother and I much closer.  By sharing together something we love we were able to create a bond like never before.  Yes, the cheesy holiday upliftment was amusing, but the actual time I got to spend with my very busy mother are moments I will never forget.  During this season it is hard not to miss home, but simple miracles have made me realize I am not as far away from home as I think.  

On Saturday December 7, 2013 the Seaside Oregon Ward put on a splendid Christmas party.  Through the various talents; singing, performances, and water Glasses (yes, water glasses like on the movie "Miss Congeniality" but without the outfit) we had an enjoyable time.  After the laughing and applauding we concluded with the ultimate signature of Christmas.  The Nativity Story.  For so many years I have watched these Hallmark and Lifetime movies portray small town Christmas pageants, never witnessing one for myself. Until now.  The the true spirit of Christmas filled the room as children ages 5-11 portrayed the birth of Jesus Christ.  I personally witnessed something that I have been watching for years.  A perfectly imperfect childhood glance at the importance of this miraculous time of year.

I am so grateful for the life of Jesus Christ.  My personal Savior.  Who gave his life that will allow me to go to my ultimate home - to live with Heavenly Father again.  


  1. I think you missed the RS dance number and Max and Sam playing music. Maybe we should repeat those performances for you when you come over for dinner next time.

  2. So fun that you mention watching those cheesy holiday movies with your Mom... down here in AZ that's exactly what my Mom and I are doing!

  3. I miss our time together watching them, but the stories that you are posting through your blog are far better than any Hallmark show because they are real life stories. Jessica, you have touched my heart once again! I have only watched a few Hallmark shows this year, because it is just not the same with out you!
