Faith is an Action Word

I believe that anything in life can be achieved with just a little bit of enthusiasm. Dedication is the start but smiling is what gets you through. Technically happiness is a state of being, but personally, I think of it as a goal. Everyday I set the goal to be happy. Some days I fail; other days I over achieve. Subsequently I start off my day the same... With a smile on my face having the faith that my day will be better than the one before.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

97 Years of Wisdom: Fern

This week Sister Schmoekel and I had the opportunity to visit one of the most enlightening women.  Her name is Fern Downey.  For 97 years she has celebrated life and encouraged others to do the same.  Even with her decaying physical body her spirit stays strong and young!  Through all her earthly circumstances she still remains positive.   At this time she is frail but her passion is not.  I admired her so much and wondered how could I obtain all the spiritual characteristics that she had.  Knowing her memory was limited my companion and I asked if she could give us one word of advice for the rest of our life what would it be?  Quickly she stated, 

"Cherish the Book of Mormon."

Through all her memories and life experience that is what she chose to tell two young girls.  Do we understand the power that we have because of the Book of Mormon? In the introduction of this beloved book it states from the prophet Joseph Smith: 

 "The Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”

WHAT A GIFT! I am so grateful for this book.  It has changed my life and my families life forever.  It is the pure and simple evidence that we have a prophet today on this earth to lead and guide us.  Heavenly Father would never want to leave his children to defend for themselves. He would continually want to support and give answers to those that are spiritually searching.  My plead is that we may all follow our prophet without the slightest of hesitation.  He has been called of God and is here for our benefit.  From the words of Elder Holland: 

"So if you have made covenants, keep them. If you haven’t made them, make them. If you have made them and broken them, repent and repair them. It is never too late so long as the Master of the vineyard says there is time."

Sister Jessica Rebecca Ivins 

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