My call letter telling me I am off to serve in Mount Scott OR |
Well the time has now come for me to adventure on to a new destination! Sister Corbett and I got our transfer letters late Friday night and to say the least I was really excited! There have been so many people that I have met in the past 6 months that have changed me for the better!
I have met some of the most wonderful and service oriented people here. They have given me the ultimate example of how to be Christ like. When thinking back at all the amazing experiences I have had, I decided to write a list of the top 21 things I have learned.
1. Life is what you make of it. We choose to be happy! If I wake up and tell myself each day that "today is going to be amazing." then it is going to be amazing.
Sister Corbett and I with Brother Beaudoin (Ward Missionary) |
2. Oregon blackberries are the greatest things ever!
3. It is the simple act of reading scripture and praying everyday that makes to biggest difference in how you react to things.
4. Service is the best medicine for home sickness, hard day, being tired, feeling alone... Basically every hardship on a mission and in life can be cured by thinking outward.
5. How grateful I am for the US postal service.
Us with Sister Poole |
6. We cannot pick and choose which commandments we need to live by. They are all equally important and we are never above the "rules"
7. You cannot con God (new favorite saying)
8. Faith is an action not a belief.
9. Saying anything in an English or Grinch accent makes it sound much much better.
10. Ice cream makes any problem better. (Learned that from my trainer Sister Despain.)
Hannah and I. Absolutely love this woman such an amazing example! Going to miss her! |
11. When we start counting our blessings it is hard to stop.
12. We are working shoulder to shoulder with the Lord. -Elder Holland
13. Although scriptures were written years ago they apply to us every day!! It is incredible that man's problems have not changed: pride, lust, greed, feeling alone, war.
14. Every person is a son or daughter of God and we need to treat them as such.
15. Its never too early to listen to Christmas music.
Connie and I. |
16. Every sunset is different.
17. The Holy Ghost teaches much more than I ever do.
18. Rain boots are the greatest footwear ever invented. (But they don't go very well with skirts...)
19. I have the most wonderful and supportive friends and family in the world and being miles and miles away from them have only brought them closer to my heart.
20. Heavenly Father is leading and guiding us, but it is up to us to listen
21. That the message that I share of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and living by its principles will give us everlasting joy.
1/3 of my mission has been spent by the
Micheal Graves and I at his Baptism. |
beautiful waters of Seaside Oregon. Thank you to everyone that I have met here. You will always have a place in my heart.
"God be with you til' we meet again!"
Love, Sister Jessica Ivins