In Matthew 25 Jesus Christ gives the parable of the talents. In this lesson he gives one servant 5 talents (money in that time), another servant 2 talents, and the last servant 1 talent. The servant that was given 5 talents later came to the Savior and says I have gained 5 talents more from the 5 you gave me. Making him have 10 talents. The next servant first having 2 comes with four again basically saying I have magnified what you gave me to give it back to you in return. I love how the Lord responds to these faithful disciples in verse 21:
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Lastly the final servant comes to Jesus and basically says "I buried my talent to preserve it. I was afraid I would loose it." Although he was being safe he did not use the potential he could of had.
I thought about this for a long time. How many opportunities have I missed due too not wanting to get out of my shell. Heavenly Father has given us many many talents but we must put forward the effort in mastering them. Overall, I am grateful for the gifts that God has given me to magnify :)
In had no idea that you would watch the way that I wrote and wanted to be like me. I always enjoyed watching my father write because he had such wonderful hand writing and I wanted to write like him. You have other talents that I do not have. Last you your talent of drawing really unfolded as you took the classes. I was so amazed at the pictures that you could draw!!! Thank you for reminding me about our talents and that we should not hid them!!! Hugs Mom