So even though less and less people are listening when we are standing at their door step I know that all that rejection is worth it to find the one. The person that would have not found the gospel any other way. In this case it was the woman who makes delicious zucchini bread. There are many stories just like this one that have happened through out history. Those that first went tracting and the missionaries that are now can share that common experience.
Jess A Journey
Faith is an Action Word
I believe that anything in life can be achieved with just a little bit of enthusiasm. Dedication is the start but smiling is what gets you through. Technically happiness is a state of being, but personally, I think of it as a goal. Everyday I set the goal to be happy. Some days I fail; other days I over achieve. Subsequently I start off my day the same... With a smile on my face having the faith that my day will be better than the one before.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Tracting=Zucchini Bread
The most iconic thing missionaries are known for is door knocking. Aka "Tracting." This phrase comes from the idea that as Elders and Sisters were out and about they would share tracts or what we know today to be pamphlets or cards. These tracts would have religious literature that would help the reader understand more of what we believe. This activity is still used today even after a little less than 200 years, but now times are changing and we have learned that this is not as successful as it used to be. Missionaries are highly encouraged to talk to members and use online sources to share the gospel via social media. Although many will say this is ineffective I am here to say miracles happen everyday because of tracting..
Yesterday I was on exchanges with a STL (Sister Training Leader). Sister Rix and I wanted to reach our goal of 10 OYM's (Open Your Mouth). As we went door to door the usual interaction was given with the "I'm not interested" or "We are busy." We were at 9 OYM's and so we needed one more. We knocked and an elderly woman answered. She had a distinct accent and thought we were Jehovah Witnesses. We quickly cleared that up and began to tell her that we share a message about Jesus Christ. With a odd look she said "Are you Mormons?" We smiled and nodded. She then began to tell us that she has a couple dear friends that are Mormon. The conversation grew and laughs were shared. We discussed the importance of respecting everyone's faith and how we are all praying to God. No matter what he loves all of us. She told us she was baking and that we could come back at a better time. Before leaving she ran into the kitchen to grab us two loaves of zucchini bread and a couple of water bottles. We were so incredibly grateful.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Our Mental Bank Account
In our day and age every thing has a cost. Even walking into a McDonald's or Wendy's we have to pay for a water cup. Because of this concept surrounding us we seem to feel that Heavenly Father is the same way. We fall into the trap that we are not DOING enough to RECEIVE the blessing. The works of man and the works of God are different.
Heavenly Father knows the true intentions our heart. His son Jesus Christ went through all our pains so he would know how to help us during the time of trouble. No matter the situation he ALWAYS wants to hear from us. I think we tend to look at prayer similar to how we think of a bank account. There are deposits (putting forth our effort to know him aka: prayer, scriptures & church ) and then there are withdrawals (seeking for answers to prayer and blessings). With a bank account we must put in at least the equivalent or more for what we take out. Prayer is not that way. We deposit to show our effort to learn the importance of saving. Jesus Christ has already paid the debt.
I know that as we continually reach out to our Heavenly Father we will feel of his love and he will help us. No matter what circumstance we are in. All he wants from us is to share love with our fellow brothers and sisters. Whatever the material thing may be the cost of Christs Atonement is always greater.
Heavenly Father knows the true intentions our heart. His son Jesus Christ went through all our pains so he would know how to help us during the time of trouble. No matter the situation he ALWAYS wants to hear from us. I think we tend to look at prayer similar to how we think of a bank account. There are deposits (putting forth our effort to know him aka: prayer, scriptures & church ) and then there are withdrawals (seeking for answers to prayer and blessings). With a bank account we must put in at least the equivalent or more for what we take out. Prayer is not that way. We deposit to show our effort to learn the importance of saving. Jesus Christ has already paid the debt.
I know that as we continually reach out to our Heavenly Father we will feel of his love and he will help us. No matter what circumstance we are in. All he wants from us is to share love with our fellow brothers and sisters. Whatever the material thing may be the cost of Christs Atonement is always greater.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
97 Years of Wisdom: Fern
"Cherish the Book of Mormon."
Through all her memories and life experience that is what she chose to tell two young girls. Do we understand the power that we have because of the Book of Mormon? In the introduction of this beloved book it states from the prophet Joseph Smith:
"The Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
WHAT A GIFT! I am so grateful for this book. It has changed my life and my families life forever. It is the pure and simple evidence that we have a prophet today on this earth to lead and guide us. Heavenly Father would never want to leave his children to defend for themselves. He would continually want to support and give answers to those that are spiritually searching. My plead is that we may all follow our prophet without the slightest of hesitation. He has been called of God and is here for our benefit. From the words of Elder Holland:
"So if you have made covenants, keep them. If you haven’t made them, make them. If you have made them and broken them, repent and repair them. It is never too late so long as the Master of the vineyard says there is time."
Sister Jessica Rebecca Ivins
Thursday, March 20, 2014
The question that has been on my mind frequently the past couple days is how do I permanently change my desire. What sparked my interest in this subject so much was reading a quote from Elder Oaks:
"Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming.:
Desires are lead to what I become, determine and change. If I want to have the gift of charity I have to desire it. If I want to be an incredible runner I have to be determined to run. If I want to return to live with my Heavenly Father again I have to show him my desire by changing my priorities from worldly things to heavenly things.
I don't think I will ever get to the point where all my desires are heavenly in this life but I hope along this journey we call life it can become easier and easier to resist the lures of Satan.
There are things that I hope for in life. I want to be a faithful mother, successful interior designer, a wise friend and a determined learner. All of these things can be achieved when I turn my actions towards Christ and have him guide me through lives challenges. The key to it all is having the FAITH to do the ACTION, make the CHANGE, and then show the DESIRE.
Love, Sister Jessica Ivins
"Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming.:
Desires are lead to what I become, determine and change. If I want to have the gift of charity I have to desire it. If I want to be an incredible runner I have to be determined to run. If I want to return to live with my Heavenly Father again I have to show him my desire by changing my priorities from worldly things to heavenly things.
I don't think I will ever get to the point where all my desires are heavenly in this life but I hope along this journey we call life it can become easier and easier to resist the lures of Satan.
There are things that I hope for in life. I want to be a faithful mother, successful interior designer, a wise friend and a determined learner. All of these things can be achieved when I turn my actions towards Christ and have him guide me through lives challenges. The key to it all is having the FAITH to do the ACTION, make the CHANGE, and then show the DESIRE.
Love, Sister Jessica Ivins
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Magnifying Talents
In Matthew 25 Jesus Christ gives the parable of the talents. In this lesson he gives one servant 5 talents (money in that time), another servant 2 talents, and the last servant 1 talent. The servant that was given 5 talents later came to the Savior and says I have gained 5 talents more from the 5 you gave me. Making him have 10 talents. The next servant first having 2 comes with four again basically saying I have magnified what you gave me to give it back to you in return. I love how the Lord responds to these faithful disciples in verse 21:
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Lastly the final servant comes to Jesus and basically says "I buried my talent to preserve it. I was afraid I would loose it." Although he was being safe he did not use the potential he could of had.
I thought about this for a long time. How many opportunities have I missed due too not wanting to get out of my shell. Heavenly Father has given us many many talents but we must put forward the effort in mastering them. Overall, I am grateful for the gifts that God has given me to magnify :)
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Jesus Would, Would I?
The other night the Mount Scott Ward Relief Society put on a get together that was called "All we need is love..." Here I learned how important it is that we do love those that love us. Visiting teaching is a program set up by the church to help establish those friendships needed for us to feel unified. After the wonderful meal we listened to a song that cannot seem to get out of my head but also my heart.
"God's first and greatest commandment is to love. Because God loves you he sent you to this earth. Because he loves you he put you in a family. Because he loves you, you have trials, difficulties, challenges and obstacles. But most of all because he loves you he sent his son Jesus Christ to atone for your sins so you may return into his loving arms. All other principles of the gospel are appendages to God's love.
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." (Matt 22:37-38)
Never forget the unconditional love that your Father in Heaven has for you."
If there were just one in a hundred souls
Who found themselves far from the fold
If the way to their rescue was rough and unsure
And staying behind would be easier
Who would go to save them or be willing to try
Jesus would, would I
Who found themselves far from the fold
If the way to their rescue was rough and unsure
And staying behind would be easier
Who would go to save them or be willing to try
Jesus would, would I
If there were someone who needed a friend
Who was different than most, never seemed to fit in
And it would mean taking time I could use for myself
And it would be easier left to someone else
Who would take them in who would take the time
Jesus would, would I
Who was different than most, never seemed to fit in
And it would mean taking time I could use for myself
And it would be easier left to someone else
Who would take them in who would take the time
Jesus would, would I
Is there any doubt what He would do
If the one in need were me or you
Jesus would give His life
All over again in the blink of an eye
If I were in His shoes would I
If the one in need were me or you
Jesus would give His life
All over again in the blink of an eye
If I were in His shoes would I
If I were asked to spend all my days
Loving my neighbor, walking in God’s ways
And if sometimes that road was lonely and long
And the burdens I carried made it hard to go on
Would I stay on the path all my life
Jesus would
Jesus did, will I
One wise companion of mine said: Loving my neighbor, walking in God’s ways
And if sometimes that road was lonely and long
And the burdens I carried made it hard to go on
Would I stay on the path all my life
Jesus would
Jesus did, will I
"God's first and greatest commandment is to love. Because God loves you he sent you to this earth. Because he loves you he put you in a family. Because he loves you, you have trials, difficulties, challenges and obstacles. But most of all because he loves you he sent his son Jesus Christ to atone for your sins so you may return into his loving arms. All other principles of the gospel are appendages to God's love.
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." (Matt 22:37-38)
Never forget the unconditional love that your Father in Heaven has for you."
Would I help? Would I be an example of Jesus Christ and do what he did? Would I?
Friday, January 24, 2014
Earthly Father & Heavenly Father
When I think about the love Heavenly Father has for me I am overwhelmed. Growing up I developed a wonderful relationship with my Dad and in anytime of need I knew that I could count on him. His example helped me understand how unconditional a Fathers love is. This morning I started reading Alma 13. I was about half way through when I was touched by the spirit. The feeling came to me that I need to read my patriarchal blessing. Being a tad bit O.C.D. I decided that I would finish the chapter and then read it. I continued on but within a few verses I had the prompting again. I was 4 verses away from the end and I thought to myself "I can just hurry and finish and it will be all good." The next words I read were "and not procrastinate the day of your repentance." It that was not a smack in the face I don't know what is.
I put down my Book of Mormon and began to read my patriarchal blessing. It told me about my talents and abilities. It is my road map that is promised to me if I am obedient. I felt comfort from God reassuring me that I can do hard things. Hold to me and my Gospel and everything will be well.
"It will alright in the end and if it is not alright, it is not the end."
I thought about my Dad. How I am so far from him and the only way I can really talk to him is through letters. Writing to him has always lead me to have clarity of how I really feel. Knowing of the similar feelings I have towards my Earthly Father and my Heavenly Father I pulled out a pen and paper and began to write a letter. I told him of how grateful I was to have a knowledge that I can return back to him. I told him that I trusted him and how his guidance has lead me here. I asked him what do I need to learn? How can my challenges help me change. I closed with your daughter Jessica.
With ten minuets left of personal study I went back to Alma 13:28 where I left off. It read "humble yourself before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, being humble and submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering."
I know god loves us and that he is sending the Holy Ghost constantly to help guide us through the day. All we have to do is follow the promptings and our burdens will be lifted.
I put down my Book of Mormon and began to read my patriarchal blessing. It told me about my talents and abilities. It is my road map that is promised to me if I am obedient. I felt comfort from God reassuring me that I can do hard things. Hold to me and my Gospel and everything will be well.
"It will alright in the end and if it is not alright, it is not the end."
I thought about my Dad. How I am so far from him and the only way I can really talk to him is through letters. Writing to him has always lead me to have clarity of how I really feel. Knowing of the similar feelings I have towards my Earthly Father and my Heavenly Father I pulled out a pen and paper and began to write a letter. I told him of how grateful I was to have a knowledge that I can return back to him. I told him that I trusted him and how his guidance has lead me here. I asked him what do I need to learn? How can my challenges help me change. I closed with your daughter Jessica.
With ten minuets left of personal study I went back to Alma 13:28 where I left off. It read "humble yourself before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, being humble and submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering."
I know god loves us and that he is sending the Holy Ghost constantly to help guide us through the day. All we have to do is follow the promptings and our burdens will be lifted.
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