Faith is an Action Word

I believe that anything in life can be achieved with just a little bit of enthusiasm. Dedication is the start but smiling is what gets you through. Technically happiness is a state of being, but personally, I think of it as a goal. Everyday I set the goal to be happy. Some days I fail; other days I over achieve. Subsequently I start off my day the same... With a smile on my face having the faith that my day will be better than the one before.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Earthly Father & Heavenly Father

When I think about the love Heavenly Father has for me I am overwhelmed.  Growing up I developed a wonderful relationship with my Dad and in anytime of need I knew that I could count on him.  His example helped me understand how unconditional a Fathers love is.  This morning I started reading Alma 13.  I was about half way through when I was touched by the spirit.  The feeling came to me that I need to read my patriarchal blessing.  Being a tad bit O.C.D. I decided that I would finish the chapter and then read it.  I continued on but within a few verses I had the prompting again.  I was 4 verses away from the end and I thought to myself "I can just hurry and finish and it will be all good."  The next words I read were "and not procrastinate the day of your repentance."  It that was not a smack in the face I don't know what is.  

I put down my Book of Mormon and began to read my patriarchal blessing.  It told me about my talents and abilities.  It is my road map that is promised to me if I am obedient.  I felt comfort from God reassuring me that I can do hard things.  Hold to me and my Gospel and everything will be well.  

"It will alright in the end and if it is not alright, it is not the end."

I thought about my Dad.  How I am so far from him and the only way I can really talk to him is through letters.  Writing to him has always lead me to have clarity of how I really feel.  Knowing of the similar feelings I have towards my Earthly Father and my Heavenly Father I pulled out a pen and paper and began to write a letter.  I told him of how grateful I was to have a knowledge that I can return back to him.  I told him that I trusted him and how his guidance has lead me here.  I asked him what do I need to learn?  How can my challenges help me change.  I closed with your daughter Jessica.

With ten minuets left of personal study I went back to Alma 13:28 where I left off.  It read "humble yourself before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, being humble and submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering."

I know god loves us and that he is sending the Holy Ghost constantly to help guide us through the day.  All we have to do is follow the promptings and our burdens will be lifted.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Russians and Skirts

This week Sister Blanch had an unexpected exchange.  So for four days the dream team had been separated and lets just day it has not been easy.  Today Sister Maxfield and I were walking out to our car ready to head off to an appointment. When we turned the corner we noticed the cutest old couple standing next to our car. Trying to register how I knew them my mind went blank. When I approached the older woman reached out and grabbed my hand.  As she started to speak but I quickly realized that it was in Russian.  Although I couldn't understand what she was saying we began to have a conversation.
She started pointing to my companion and I's skirts and saying how she loved how we wore skirts.  She began to pull up her long coat and smiled widely that she too always wore skirts. It was so endearing I couldn't help but smile ear to ear.  Her husband then began to point to our badges with a questioning look, we simply said, "Jesus Missionaries" they smiled widely and nodded their head.  My companion and I quickly looked at each other and had what is called "Companion Telepathy."  We popped open the trunk and gave them two copies of the Book of Mormon in Russian.
I cannot explain how much joy filled my heart as I saw this elderly couple gladly look at the pictures of Jesus Christ.  They were as familiar to him as I was and we shared that same language. Sister Maxfield and I did the best we could to try to communicate. By the end I knew that they understood 3 things.

  1. Joseph Smith is a Prophet
  2. We teach of the Savior  
  3. Happiness comes from knowing who Jesus Christ is.  
Right before we left she held up 3 fingers with a questioning face.  She has seen us many times with Sister Blanch and wondered where she was.  We could not explain to her where she was but we did understand that she has seen us.  
I have a testimony that when we live our life in accordance to Heavenly Fathers guidelines we radiate the light of Christ.  People recognize this glow and desire to know how they too can have it.  I know that we are all children of a Heavenly Father who loves us so much! We may not speak the same language or have the same features but we are all important and have worth to him.   I do not know where their story will go but satisfaction comes to me knowing that they are one step closer in knowing the fullness of the gospel.  

for the other side of the story (Sister Maxfield) 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

White VS Wheat bread

Most of us have been there.  We have been asked to give a speech, talk or presentation on the topic of our choice. Our minds instantly go blank and we start sorting.  Being a new face to the Mount Scott Ward my companions and I were asked to give a talks in church.  I wanted to talk about something that would pertain to everyone.  I thought of different themes like virtue, the Book of Mormon, then repentance. All are wonderful topics that I could defiantly learn more about but they just did not feel right.   Finally I thought of something that we all do.  My heart settled on asking questions and receiving answers to prayer.  
I first thought of all the experiences I have had pertaining with this simple communication with god.  I pondered on how much prayer has guided me in my life and how grateful I am for Heavenly Fathers help.  Although how can I help the amazing members of Mount Scott understand more fully the power of prayer.  

In Matthew Chapter 7 is reads: 
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 
This iconic scripture is a promise that we will receive answers to our prayers but we must first seek for the answer.  Faith is an action word.  We must show our faith by really trying to search for the desires of our heart.   This scripture was perfect for my talk.  After reading it I had a prompting to continue on.
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?  
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
My heart was full of gratitude for the gifts that God has given me.  In verse 9 it talks about how if we ask for bread he will never give us a stone.  Bread and stone are two different things.  But what if I ask specifically for white bread?  I want my wonder bread! It fills me up and gives me energy.  It also tastes really good.  Instead, Heavenly Father gives me wheat bread.  He knows that in the long run it gives me more energy, is healthier for my body and will fill me up faster,  It also has less sugar and is more whole some for my body.  He always will give the BEST gifts.  The talents, abilities, trials, and answers that are going to help us grow into the person he wants us to be.

I know that the answers to our prayers are not always what we want them to be but they will always bring us closer to our goal of becoming more like Christ.  Prayers are answered because I finished my talk without fainting :)